Monday, May 11, 2015

I dread to think how many posts I have started with the line "life is crazy at the moment" (please nobody count them!). I always joke that my children only have one speed and that they charge from point A to point B with the zeal of a 100m sprinter. Perhaps it’s fair to accept that I too only have one speed. My diary is always full, my job list is always two pages long and I say yes with dizzying ease as project after project falls on my lap.

Anyway, I am playing catch up with everything at the moment and on this little ole blog I am starting with a little trip back to the UK;

khuni khuni pig- a face only a mother could love!
 Gloucester Old Spots
 Feeding time
 Mum's Burger Bar
 All Alfie had to do was sit still and look at the camera!!
 Scottish Museum

 Picnics in the freezing cold- now that's a true English tradition
 Finding shipwrecked treasure at Knott End
 Delicious Walling's Ice Cream
 Man at work......

 King Richard the III's house in Middleham, North Yorkshire
 The fish and chips, oh those fish and chips
 Kings of the World
 Vintage Soda's and amazing food at Billy Bob's Ice Cream Palour

Such a fabulous trip!

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  1. Fabulous photos, fabulous memories. Loved every second spent with you all. You certainly know how to make my eyes 'water' - an expression taken from Harry and Alfie!! Here's to the next time xxxx


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