Tuesday, March 17, 2020

"There's no panic like the panic you momentarily feel when your hand or head is stuck in something"

~Peter Kay
The world is a different place right now.  Our new normal is embracing life at home as much as we can.  I honestly don't know what this will look like in a few days, weeks or months but I know that if I don't do something I might go a little crazy.  The idea of homeschooling my kids fills me with dread!  Im not qualified, I am terrible at spellings and I have forgotten everything I ever learned in maths on purpose!  

I might have had a slight meltdown the other day in my truck as I tried to source basic shopping for my family.  I felt lost.  Unsure about anything and everything.  That's not really me.  I am the happy & optimistic one that always sees the positives.  

I needed a plan!  

So this is my plan, to get back to this blog.  Sweep away the dust bunnies that have gathered under these posts and just get on.  I will be sharing recipes that I am cooking with my kids.  I might not be a homeschooler but I am a cookery teacher so what better to do with this time than teach my boys how to cook.

To start with here are a few links for anyone looking for things to do with the kids now they are home.  Feel free to share your favourite links in the comments......

SCHOLASTIC- Free kids courses, grade specific

FUTURE LEARN- For older kids and grown ups who might be going crazy already, free access for 4 weeks on most courses. Excellent courses covering a vast range of topics.

SPARKLEBOX- If you want to make your house look like a classroom this place has every printable thing you could ever possibly want

Space is cool! NASA has a great range on activities, videos and learning opportunities;
GRADE 9 - 12

Go to a museum without leaving your house.  Never as good a real museum but the best we can do right now- VIRTUAL TOURS

Now you are home why not make your weekend special by making a cocktail.  Here are a few suggestions to get you started;
 My all time favourite cocktail: The Casino
Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate- perfect to warm you up after a brisk walk outside, away from crowds of course!  Social distancing walks all the way!  

I will also be sharing a few "Butcher At Home" ideas to keep you and your family busy! 

Whatever the future holds, I will embrace it with a cocktail in one hand and a cleaver in the other!  Disclaimer- don't use a cleaver when drinking!  It might not end well.........

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