Friday, April 12, 2013
I don't have a huge garden but my aim is to grow as much as I can to eat this year in containers and in a few patches of the garden.
I started quite a few different seeds off inside ready to be hardened off and planted after that pesky last frost has been and gone. I am no expert at growing vegetables, but I was lucky enough to have been given some great hints and tips from seasoned allotment holders back in the UK when I had my own little slice of allotment heaven.
I now gladly pass on their wise words;
- Keep your potting soil inside your home for a few days before you plan to sow in pots. It may sound strange but seeds like warmth and giving them a pot full of nice warm soil makes seeds very happy, apparently!
- Fill your watering can up the day before you want to use it so that the water is not cold from the tap. Same idea as the soil and its all about keeping those seeds happy- so warm soil and warm water is what they want!
- Only sow seeds when you feel warm yourself. Make of this what you want but the wise folks who told me this have been planting seeds for years so I don't argue, I listen and obey! If you feel cold don't plant. If planting inside, pick a nice day when the sun is beaming through the windows. If you are planting directly outside, feel the soil- does it feel warm or cold? You should only plant when all is warm!
- Plant flat seeds sideways (see photo below). Planted on it's side, there is less chance the seed will get saturated and go mouldy and nasty.
- Cut the bottom of the seed packet where nothing is written and always with scissors. This gives you a nice straight cut and allows you to fold the packet back up keeping soil, light and moisture out until you are ready to plant. Also keep every seed packet, even empty ones once they have been planted. Everything you need to know about growing the seed is on the back of the packet so only throw them away once the plant is all done and on the compost heap!
Happy seed planting!
Tell me what you're thinking, I promise I don't bite!