Wednesday, November 14, 2012Alfie is a very strong willed child.
He knows what he wants and it usually has little to do with pleasing anyone other than himself. He has no real desire to listen or obey his teachers at Pre School, at swimming lessons or generally any situations where adults ask him to do things.
Harry, his elder, calmer brother always loves to please. If his teachers asked him to do something he is overjoyed to do his very best to meet their demands with a smile upon his face. Oh how brothers can be so different at times!
Here are just a few snippets of classic Alfie:
Alfie: I love you mummy
Me: Love you too
Alfie: Now can I have some crisps!
Mummy: Alfie clean up this game, put the pieces back in the box
Alfie: No
Mummy: Who got the pieces out?
Alfie: Me
Mummy: So you got them out, who should put them back?
Alfie: You
The boy is a dude though and loves nothing more than cuddles and kisses with me, hubby and his big brother Harry (when he is not trying to hit him, smash his lego or generally jump on him from a great height).
Tell me what you're thinking, I promise I don't bite!