Clear juices!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I am no longer a Thanksgiving Virgin and just to assure my Mum, my Turkey was cooked in the middle, my juices ran clear and it all tasted rather good!


  • Pancakes & Maple Syrup
  • Gingerbread & Maple Muffins
The muffins were an adaptation of my Christmas Morning Gingerbread Muffins, which I make every year.  I simply omitted the black treacle in place of the smokey Canadian essential Maple Syrup.  I will post the recipe in case you fancy a Thanksgiving/Christmas inspired treat!

The Main Event
  • Lovely (well cooked, Mum) Turkey
  • Green bean & lemon casserole
  • Cornbread, cranberry & orange stuffing
  • Sweetcorn
  • Bacon wrapped sausages (I just had to get some UK Christmas in there)
  • Roast potatoes (as my hubby would have sulked)
  • Lime & cranberry crushed sweet potatoes
  • Homemade cranberry sauce
  • Wicked gravy

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  1. Might have to enrol for some lessons in November in preparation for my efforts on Christmas Day!!
    Janet xxxx


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