New Christmas Style

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I have a new, modern house and I have realised that this is a great chance to stamp some of my own style on Christmas.  I love to create things and my artistic side likes to come out to play so my sights are well and truly set on Christmas and I have linked this with my newly discovered love of Pintrest!

I suppose this desire to create a new Christmas look also stems from the fact that this Christmas will be very different from anything I have experienced before.  Christmas has always been a time to see extended family and friends with trips to houses, visitors and vast quantities of food and drink.  Whilst I can cover the food and drink elements the family and friend part of Christmas will come mainly from Skype as they are in the UK and I am in Canada! 

This years Christmas is all about my two boys, my husband and me.  That is no bad thing, I am looking forward to days of relaxing with no pressure to change out of my pyjamas. 

But it will be different and I fear that it may bring into focus what we have done and how far away we are.  As family gathers in the UK without us, I only hope that they still play Black Magic and "Now I'm pointing" (My family's games are quite legendary and I will enjoy telling you about them soon!).

I will think of them all dressed in my Nan's over sized clothes whilst rolling a dice and trying to eat chocolate with a knife and fork, with gloves on! 

I will remember that no matter how good at dominoes you are, in Bag Dominoes you will still have a load of crap in your bag!

I will think fondly of my Nan's pork pie, that nobody eats and its still sat there gathering dust on New Years Eve!

This Christmas will be different but I plan to make it just as special.  I will play my family games and enjoy the family I have around me as well as thinking of my family across the Pond. 

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  1. Elyse, we miss you so much. We always had such fun. Christmas will be hard for all your family. We will skype, but it's not the same as a hug and a laugh !! We must get planning to visit. Love to you all. xxx


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