As a family we have passes to an amzing place called Telus World of Science. I stongly advise, that if you venture to Alberta and head over to Edmonton that you take a trip there. This is a big hit with the kids and I have been taking Alfie every week. Now that Harry has finished school for the summer, I risked a trip with both of them. What is so risky about that you ask?
Imagine two things that dont stay still, move very quickly and enjoy going in exactly opposite directions and then imagine trying to keep an eye on both things! My eyes were very glad when they the kids were locked back in my car- it was pretty intense! My children are not shrinking violets who lurk around behind my legs, they love to exlpore, love to touch and generally love to set off quickly to the next thing that catches their eye with little regard for where I am- it's a recipe for getting lost if ever there was one.
The one thing I noticed more than I have ever noticed before was the tapping, clicking and generally unaware parents around the room. The minute the kids are happy playing the phone comes out and their attention was totally focused on their device rather than their children. I am not judging, I do it too. I perhaps never noticed how many of us do. I didn't do it today as my focus was very much locked on my boys and it was fab to watch them play and learn.
I suppose it's all well and good catching those moments on the iPhone or catching up with friends whilst your little darlings play but I think we are missing out. Put down the camera and beeping deivces and watch the kids- they are pretty cool and by far the best thing to watch.
As proof that you always miss the good stuff when you are not looking, just check our what Nutmeg can do if you turn your back for 2 minutes (the kids are worse, trust me!):
Imagine two things that dont stay still, move very quickly and enjoy going in exactly opposite directions and then imagine trying to keep an eye on both things! My eyes were very glad when they the kids were locked back in my car- it was pretty intense! My children are not shrinking violets who lurk around behind my legs, they love to exlpore, love to touch and generally love to set off quickly to the next thing that catches their eye with little regard for where I am- it's a recipe for getting lost if ever there was one.
The one thing I noticed more than I have ever noticed before was the tapping, clicking and generally unaware parents around the room. The minute the kids are happy playing the phone comes out and their attention was totally focused on their device rather than their children. I am not judging, I do it too. I perhaps never noticed how many of us do. I didn't do it today as my focus was very much locked on my boys and it was fab to watch them play and learn.
I suppose it's all well and good catching those moments on the iPhone or catching up with friends whilst your little darlings play but I think we are missing out. Put down the camera and beeping deivces and watch the kids- they are pretty cool and by far the best thing to watch.
As proof that you always miss the good stuff when you are not looking, just check our what Nutmeg can do if you turn your back for 2 minutes (the kids are worse, trust me!):
Nutmeg is thinking "What, I didnt do it!"