Wednesday, January 09, 2013

After my initial introduction pages I have completed my first week spread for my Project Life 2013 folder.  As I suspected food will be a big feature, taking one side of the spread already! 
Taking photos for my blog had improved my photography skills so much already (I was very bad to start!) and it's my food photos that seem to come out the best.  I think carefully about the background and the light, avoiding flash where I can. 

I never realised how much the flash can change an image and it can make food look plastic but it's unavoidable at times as I only photograph what I make for my family and that means I cook when it's dark too! I don't deliberately make food during the daylight to stage it for my blog.
My fave pics are of Harry's sad, wet face!  He tried to do a somersault on a trampoline covered in snow!  Result- face plant in snow!  He needed a cuddle but not before I grabbed my camera- priorities people....
Also I love the chocolate fondue over a candle picture.  We had a power cut and nothing gets between my and my chocolate.

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  1. Oh you clever girl , I cant wait to look at this book ..... something to keep forever . xxx Mum


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