Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I recently hosted a Mattel Games Night and needed a desert option that would allow all to keep playing the games but nibble on greedily- the answer is this deliciously easy fudge. 

The recipe is based on Nigella Lawson's Pistachio version but with non nut eaters to feed I changed it up with the addition of some vanilla. 

Please note that this is not really fudge (in a confectioners sense) and requires no boiling sugar or scary thermometers- just a gentle heat and a delicious result!



  •  350 grams dark chocolate, chopped
  • 1 x 397 grams can condensed milk
  • 30g butter
  • pinch of salt 
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract


  1. Put the chopped chocolate, condensed milk, butter and salt in a heavy-based pan on a low heat, and stir to melt.
  2. Mix the melted chocolate and condensed milk then pour this mixture into a foil tray or silicone brownie pan - 23cm / 9 inch square, smoothing the top.
  3. Let the fudge cool, and refrigerate until set. You can then cut it into small pieces- keep them small as this is very rich stuff and small mouthfuls works perfectly. 
  4. Once cut, it can be kept in the freezer - no need to thaw just eat straight away.

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