Friday, October 10, 2014
If you a scratching your head right now at the term "butty", let me explain. A butty is a sandwich if you are from the North of England like me. Best of all butties is the bacon butty. Delicious salty, crispy bacon between slices of white sliced loaf- non of this fancy ciabatta needed here, just plastic white bread- yes please!
That delicious looking bacon here was made by me. I am not about to get into the art of curing right now but needless to say that the process I use for bacon making requires a freezer bag and a week of patience but you do get the best bacon ever!
- Meal Planning- it may seem a simple concept but taking the time to sit down with your weekly calendar and plan what you are making that week is essential for cutting the waste. The calendar is essential so you know when time is tight and food needs to be fast and when you have a little more time to get ahead.
- Shopping List- I cannot shop without a list. I forget what I need and buy two of things I already have. When making your list check what you have already. I tend to keep a list going throughout the week and when I run out of something I just make a note of it. Also take a walk around and check the kitchen cupboards before you complete the list.
- Plan to use it up- If you see a head of celery in the fridge that is starting to flop, plan to use it right now! Don't pretend it isn't there until its too late. Make a soup or my favorite the classic "bottom of the veg drawer curry".
- Have a Back Up Plan- You know those times when everything is going wrong, your running 20 minutes late, your kids are hungry, the sofa exploded, your hungry, the dog needs walking, there are no teaspoons left and the dishwasher needs running and there isn't a clean pair of pants to be found! Those are the times when being prepared is essential! Instead of nipping to the shop to buy something quick and unnecessary, have a fail safe stashed in the freezer. Like these chocolate chip cookies or better still a bacon butty.
See that picture above.
My sofa exploded.
My children said they didn't know how it happened.
My children are clearly liars! I solved this problem with a bacon butty (and maybe a gin and tonic).
I always have a stash of bread and a few slices of bacon in freezer bags. They defrost quickly, cook quickly and save me buying more of anything.

So plan ahead and stick to it! I find that being prepared to fail is what saves me that extra shopping trip and therefore helps me use what I have instead of buying and wasting more.
Tell me what you're thinking, I promise I don't bite!