Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Sorry for the lack of blog action lately but I have UK family in town and the chilled bubbles are calling me;

 As well as drinking and eating way too much with family I have been busy getting a new blog ready for he butcher side of my crazy busy life!  I only have two speeds in life and they are full speed ahead and asleep!

If you live in Edmonton and are looking to get some amazing meat at farmers markets I suggest you check this out;

I will be back to blogging here as soon!  In the mean time crack open the bubbles, or gin, or whatever you fancy, just be merry, I am! 

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  1. Enjoy your time with friends and family. Blogging etc will wait! Our summers are much too short not to enjoy being outside.

  2. Elyse, It was warm here today and as we sat on the deck before dinner, I thought of you as I had my first gin & tonic of the season ;)


Tell me what you're thinking, I promise I don't bite!